We are here in Seattle at table 600. We'll be adding to this post as people drop by.
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Congratulations to Esther Schwartz-McKinzie and Marta López-Luaces / translator G. J. Racz
whose books have won Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards given by the National Association of Book Entrepreneurs (NABE).

Best Book in the Category of FAMILY RELATIONS
Speaking Out: Families of LGBTQ+ Advance the Dialogue edited by Esther Schwartz-McKinzie www.givalpress.com

Best Book in the Category of MULTICULTURAL Architects of the Imaginary / Arquitectos de lo imaginario by Marta López-Luaces / Translated by G.J. Racz www.givalpress.com
Updated: Apr 7, 2023
The Association of Writers & Writing Programs will hold its 2023 Conference & Bookfair
at the Seattle Convention Center from March 8 - 11, 2023.
Visit Gival Press at Table T600 in the Bookfair.
Also, we will hold a special 25 Years and Counting Gival Press Reading at the Mayflower Hotel in Seattle on Friday, March 10th from 7 to 9 PM.
The hotel is located at 405 Olive Way, Seattle.
All are welcome to this free event.
The reading will feature the following Gival Press authors who will read from
these and other works:
Jeff Walt, Esther Schwartz-McKinzie, Thaddeus Rutkowski, Cecilia Martinez-Gil,
John Domini, and Cliff Bernier.
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