John Domini

John Domini received a major 2008 grant from the Iowa Arts Council for his writing and has accepted a visiting position in Creative Writing at Grinnell College. He has published fiction in Paris Review, Ploughshares, Threepeny Review, and anthologies. His second collection, Highway Trade, was praised by Alan Cheuse, of NPR's "All Things Considered," as "the way we live now... witty, biting portraits." His first novel, Talking Heads: 77, was praised by the Pulitzer winner Robert Olen Butler as "both cutting-edge innovative and splendidly readable... a flat-out delight." Italian publications of his work is arranged through Tullio Pironti Editore, also the first Italian house to translate Don DeLillo. Domini has also published essays and other non-fiction in GQ, the New York Times, and many other places, including Italian journals. He is a regular book reviewer with The Believer and other publications. Domini has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ingram-Merrill Foundation, and elsewhere. He has taught across the country, has been a visiting writer at Harvard, Lewis & Clark, and Northwestern, and is currently based in Des Moines.
Books | Title |
A Tomb on the Periphery |