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Barbara Louise Ungar

Barbara Louise Ungar

Barbara Ungar is the author of eight books of poems. <i>Save Our Ship</i>, won the Snyder Prize from Ashland Poetry Press and was named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best Books of 2019; it also won a Franklin Award from the Independent Book Publishers Associations and was a Distinguished Favorite at the Independent Press Awards. Prior books include <i>Immortal Medusa</i>, named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best Books of 2015, and <i>Charlotte Brontë, You Ru-ined My Life</i>, both from The Word Works, and <i>The Origin of the Milky Way</i>, which won the Gival Press Poetry Award and a silver Independent Publishers award. A professor at the College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York, she is currently hunkered down in Saratoga Springs with her son Izaak and cats Gracie and Magical Star. Visit:

Author's Website
The Origin of the Milky Way
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